Can You Get Wow Archology Pets Again

Overview - Archaeology Item Listing

At present that you have a basic idea of how archaeology works, and know the best places to expect for the epic gear rewards, it'southward time to expect into the lighter side of archeology! Besides the obvious do good of ballsy gear, the profession offers a slew of vanity items ranging from pets and mounts to unique transformations and toys.

Before we brainstorm, think that the same rules utilise here every bit they exercise for epics. Each world region has its ain prepare of dig sites, with some regions having far more dig sites for some races than they practise for others. If you desire an artifact from a specific race, be sure you are looking in the correct place! With this cognition and the following archaeology item listing, WoW's newest secondary profession will hopefully exist a lilliputian less frustrating.

Eastern Kingdoms is the all-time identify to find Troll and Dwarf dig sites. Information technology has a lot of fossils besides, a negligible amount of Night Elf and Nerubian sites.

Kalimdor is hands the best place to observe Nighttime Elf dig sites. It also has a lot of fossils, a small handful of Troll sites, and a single Dwarf site. It is the only place to find Tol'vir sites, which crave 450 skill to meet.

Outland has just Orc and Draenei dig sites, and is the only identify to find them. Requires 300 skill.

Northrend is too considered a unmarried archaeology region. In add-on to being the only place for Nerubian and Vyrkul dig sites, it also contains a few Dark Elf and Troll sites. You need 375 archaeology skill to notice Northrend sites. Requires 375 skill.


Mounts! Mounts are probably the most popular (and sought-after) cosmetic detail in the game. While anyone with a few levels can buy a generic mount from the advisable vendor, collecting rare mounts is a pastime held past many WoW players. No surprise here, archaeology offers some cosmetic mounts of its own.

The Fossilized Raptor is perchance the best known archaeology mountain. As its name implies, the raptor a rare fossil artifact. Despite its epic-level quality, this is one of the few rare artifacts which is plainly possible to detect with a relatively low archeology skill. If you level up your archaeology in either Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms, the odds are adept that you will find this mount before hitting max archaeology skill!

If y'all wish to farm specifically for this mount, Kalimdor is slightly better than Eastern Kingdoms for discovering fossil dig sites.

Despite what you may have heard on trade chat,

The Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank is much less well known, peradventure because it is so rare. It is a recolor of the legendary Black Qiraji Battle Tank. The Black Battle Tank has been completely unobtainable for years, and fifty-fifty when it was obtainable it was almost incommunicable to become. Only one grapheme could ever obtain 1 per realm.

The Ultramarine Battle Tank, while not quite every bit rare every bit its predecessor, is all the same very difficult to become. It comes from Tol'vir dig sites, and has a very depression discovery rate. Since Tol'vir dig sites themselves have a low spawn charge per unit, owning this mount requires either fantabulous luck, supreme dedication, or (more than likely) both. If y'all want to find it yourself, call up that Kalimdor is the only region in the game that tin can spawn Tol'vir sites, and yous need at least 450 archaeology skill to discover them.


Besides the mounts and vanity items, y'all can besides detect different WoW archaeology pets. These are companion pets and, like all companion pets, these will not help you in battle like the epic gear rewards would. They are purely cosmetic. Currently, three pets are available from archaeology:

This undead raptor clearly did not have enough milk when it was young, and so it is not fit for riding.

Like the Fossilized Raptor mount, the Fossilized Raptor Hatchling is available by solving fossil artifacts. It is basically a miniature version of the mount, and it is adorable! Like the fossil mountain, it is relatively easy to go and a high skill is not required.


The Clockwork Gnome is found, oddly, by solving Dwarf artifacts. Like the hatchling, this likewise is relatively like shooting fish in a barrel to go and does not require a high skill to solve. Despite its proper name, having this companion out will probably non give you nightmares about the song "Singin' in the Pelting." Whew! Remember that, for all intents and purposes, Dwarf dig sites must be farmed in Eastern Kingdoms.

The final pet is the Itch Claw, establish via Tol'vir dig sites. Since Tol'vir dig sites are designed to trounce you, listen and soul, this pet is much more difficult to go than either the Clockwork Gnome or the Fossilized Raptor Hatchling.

Everything Else

While mounts and pets are all well and good, we've disregarded the nigh important aspect of archaeology rewards so far: disruptive people in the sale house!

That's right, archæology has several vanity items which create unique transformations and spell effects. There are very many deal of these, including (but not limited to):

The Chalice of the Mountain Kings, a Dwarf artifact long thought lost to this world due to its awesome power, will…

With power like this, it is no surprise that some people tried to bot archaeology.

Summon 4 dwarves who will do a little trip the light fantastic toe for a few seconds, and so disappear.


(For all-time results, use in the centre of Ogrimmar.)

Yes sir, I would like to purchase 200 Mysterious Fortune Cards. What do you mean you don't sell to NPCs!?

The Bones of Transformation are a Night Elf artifact which will turn you into an oversized Naga named "Naz'Jar Honor Guard." (Yes, it really changes your proper noun in some places.) Bask your 10 seconds of anonymous fun!

BUBBLEHEARTH! Since this is a vanity item with a combat use, expect it to be nerfed eventually.

The Final Relic of Argus is unique, it is the only non-gear archæology reward with a legitimate combat use. Using it will cast a spell called Teleport With Fault. This spell volition take you to a random identify in the game world. This spell simply has a 5 2d cast time. What does this hateful? Bubblehearth is back, and now bachelor to multiple classes! Woo!

This post is part of the series: WoW Archeology

This serial explains the mechanics of wow archeology.

  1. Wow Archaeology Guide: How Information technology Works
  2. How to Impale 29 Days of Your Month: Farming for WoW Archaeology Epics.
  3. WoW Archeology Finds: Mounts, Pets, and Other Vanity Items.


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