Lucoa With a Make America Great Again Hat Lucoa With a Maga Hat

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Literature Text

Okay, everyone, since Valentine 24-hour interval is hither, I decide to make a Valentine Special about Tohru from Dragon Maid! Besides, there is a filibuster on Asuka X Male Reader sequel, sorry I been having writer'due south block, and it is a hurting! Anyways I hope you all enjoy this Valentine Special and Happy Valentine Day.

(Narrator Indicate of View)

         This story will be almost a love story between a male person human and a female dragon, but it will not exist a simple love story because the two take a hate human relationship with each other. You are wondering how information technology will work or why is it a Valentine Special? Well, you are just going to have to read the story and find out. The story will brainstorm virtually a new neighbour proper name (First Proper noun) (Concluding Name) who moved into the apartment that Kobayashi and her friends stay. (First Name) is a homebody, a person who likes staying at domicile a lot and doesn't go out much until he becomes friends with Kobayashi.

(No One Indicate of View)
(A few months subsequently Season I)

</b>                    Today is just another long and tiresome day at the apartments, Kobayashi and her ii dragons Tohru and Kanna are channel surfing wondering what to picket on TV. While flipping through channels, they hear some noise under them, Tohru asks Kobayashi how long has the neighbor been making noise since he moved in? Kobayashi doesn't accept a clue, simply so she starts to call up if the new neighbor is a guy or girl considering she hasn't seen the neighbor in person. Soon Kobayashi and Tohru both wonder who the new neighbor is a human being or woman, then Kanna tells them to go and find out since they are non doing anything. Kobayashi agrees with Kanna's idea, so she takes out a pie from the refrigerator every bit a gift since it been ii weeks since the new neighbor moved in.

    Kobayashi, Tohru, and Kanna bring the pie to the new neighbor room, which is at the lesser of their place. The dissonance from before gets louder and wonder what'southward going on until Kobayashi knocks on the door, then the sound stops now they hear footsteps coming to the door. Kobayashi's heart beats faster, feeling nervous because the steps become louder and slower the door opens, and they come across the neighbor is a man. The human being is tall and slim, very long (Color) hair, (Color) Eyes, and wearing a long-sleeve white shirt and baggie grey pants.???: "Y-Yes? C-Can I h-help y'all?"

Kobayashi: (Kobayashi stutter for a 2nd) "Hello, my name is Kobayashi, and this is Tohru and Kanna. We live above y'all, and nosotros don't know if someone welcomes you here, so nosotros brought you lot a pie as a gift, and we welcome yous here."

???: (Kobayashi gives the man the pie) "W-Wow. Thank you. That is very kind of yous. My proper name is (Get-go Name). Would you lot three like to come in?"

Kobayashi: (Kobayashi turns her head to Tohru and Kanna, and they agree), "Okay."

      (Y/Northward) invites Kobayashi, Tohru, and Kanna inside his place, so when the 3 walks inside, they see (Y/N) identify is clean. (Y/N) tells the girls to have a sit in the living room, and they take a sit on the couch while (Y/North) looks in his refrigerator and takes out 3 water bottles and a small juice. When anybody got comfortable, all four of them talked for hours getting to know each other (Y/N) came here to alive on his ain equally a manga creator, but he just started and hasn't come up with an thought for a story or characters however. While everyone is comfy and enjoying themselves, Tohru starts to notices (Y/N), and Kobayashi is talking a fiddling more than usual, and then (Y/N) helps Kobayashi up by property her hand, which makes Tohru uncomfortable and mad. (Y/N) shows Kobayashi his office, which was a bedroom, the part has a large digital drawing pad, a large tv, a estimator, printer, and a self total of mangas (Y/Northward) enjoys reading.

     Tohru quietly sneaks close to the front end of (Y/N) function to hear him and Kobayashi conversation. The conversation didn't last long until (Y/N) asks Kobayashi if she is gratuitous Friday night for a beverage, and Kobayashi said yes, which makes Tohru mad, but too sad. Realizing its late, Kobayashi and the girls head out before they leave, (Y/N) tells the girls it was nice meeting them, only Tohru requite (Y/N) a scary look in her optics of warning.

(Two Days Later)
        Kobayashi had ready left with (Y/N) for a drinkable leaving Tohru and Kanna at domicile, Tohru is walking dorsum and frontwards in the living room with Kanna worried about Kobayashi fifty-fifty though it's only been one hour since she left. Kanna is just sitting down quiet watching Tohru walking around, Kanna isn't worried about Kobayashi considering she has a feeling that (Y/Due north) is a kind person and won't hurt Kobayashi. Of a sudden, Tohru stops walking because she has an idea and that thought is to spy on Kobayashi and (Y/North), Kanna tries to talk Tohru out of that idea, then Tohru convince Kanna that (Y/N) cannot be trusted thinking he will accept Kobayashi away and leave them backside, and so now Kanna is coming with Tohru to spy on Kobayashi and (Y/Northward).

      Tohru and Kanna both went to the restaurant where Kobayashi and (Y/Northward) will be at, Tohru remembers Kobayashi talking well-nigh going at that place anytime, so they rushed to the restaurant and peck through the window, and they plant them. Kobayashi and (Y/N) are just talking nothing serious, Tohru wants to know what they are talking well-nigh, then she tries to sneak in, simply is stopped by the front staff, the restaurant staff tells Tohru, she cannot come up in with a child because the eating house doesn't allow children in after five clock. While Kobayashi and (Y/N) are talking, all of a sudden they hear Tohru arguing with the staff and the staff threaten to call the police, then Kobayashi came to end the arguing and pulls Tohru out the eating house.

Kobayashi: "Tohru! What are you doing?! Are you trying to get into trouble!"

Tohru: "I-I want to know your okay. I don't trust (Y/Northward)!"

Kanna: (Kanna hugs Kobayashi) "Please don't get out us!"

Kobayashi: "Don't Trust? Go out?! What are y'all guys talking about?"

Kanna: "Tohru said (Y/Northward) volition have you away from us, and we volition be left behind."

Kobayashi: "Oh? (Kobayashi looks at Tohru mad, and Tohru avoids center contact, so Kobayashi pats Kanna on the head) Kanna, there'south nil to worry about, I'm non going anywhere."

Kanna: "Your not?"

Kobayashi: "No. (Y/North) isn't going to take me away. We were talking about you guys."

(Y/N): "That's right. (You walk out the restaurant with a small bag in your manus) Think, I said, I'm a manga creator? I was talking to Kobayashi about drawing the two of you."

Kanna: "I don't trust yous pervert!" (Hearing Kanna calling you lot a pervert feels like a big sign with the word pervert on information technology stabs you on the back)

(Y/N): "Oh? Well, that's too bad considering I was thinking about giving this French Fruit Tart to a special little girl, but I guess."

      Kanna smells the Fruit Tart, and she suddenly hugs (Y/N), telling him she's sorry for calling him a debauchee, (Y/N) smiles and pat Kanna on the caput, then gives her the Fruit Tart. Kobayashi pulls Tohru'due south ear and tells her to apologize to (Y/N), Tohru mumbles until Kobayashi pulls on Tohru's ear harder, so she apologizes. Since the night was cut short, Kobayashi calls it a dark, then everyone heads home, merely Tohru all the same doesn't trust (Y/N) thinking he is playing Mr. nice guy, then she got another idea.

    When Kobayashi and Kanna went inside, Tohru follows (Y/N) downstairs, and when he was about to open up the door, Tohru transforms into her dragon form to scare (Y/N) away and hopefully make him move out. Tohru blows air from her racket to grab (Y/N) attention; he slowly turns around and sees Tobru in her dragon grade. Tohru warns (Y/N) if he tries to take Kobayashi away from her, she will eat him, (Y/N) is stunned until he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his small sketchbook with a little pencil and begins drawing.

Tohru: "H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

(Y/N): "What a beautiful dragon! Your scales, your eyes, and your torso!"

Tohru: (Tohru blushes for a moment, and then she transforms into her human form) "Forget!"

(Y/Northward): "Due west-Wait! Tohru! I must draw you!"

Tohru: "No!" (Tohru programme backfires considering now (Y/N) wants to draw Tohru and chases her effectually the whole flat)

(Narrator Point of View)

       Since then (Y/N) and Tohru relationship began to grow, not in a good get-go. Tohru still believes (Y/N) is planning to take Kobayashi from her even though (Y/Due north) and Kobayashi are only friends. Tohru came upwards with schemes to effort to get rid of (Y/Due north) and fifty-fifty tried to impale him, she prepare him on fire, feed him poisonous substance, sent him flight, and also broken his bones. Afterwards all Tohru's schemes, she however couldn't get rid of (Y/Northward), then he started to fight back as well, thus creating their human relationship. A few months accept passed since Kobayashi became friends with (Y/Northward), she has also introduced her other friends to (Y/Due north) as well, thus making him feel welcome.

(In the heart of Summertime)

        Today is only another scorching day, Kobayashi, Tohru, Kanna, Riko, Lucoa, and Shouta are all inside Kobayashi place trying to go on cool from the estrus as the temperature is 97 degrees. A trip to the embankment sounds similar a proficient thought, just the beach is overcrowded with people trying to stay cool equally well, as anybody starts to think that this is the end (Y/N) came to the rescue. (Y/North) surprised everyone by winning tickets to a free trip to a Water Park in Florida.

Kobayashi: "You won complimentary tickets to a H2o Park!?"

(Y/Northward): "Yup! 7 tickets, including myself and a two-night stay at a hotel!"

Riko: "Wow! A trip to a Water Park! What's the name of Water Park?"

(Y/Due north): "Only the all-time Water Park in the globe! Super Splash Earth!"

Shouta: "How did you win the tickets?"

(Y/N): "On a radio contest. Come on, guys, are you lot going to ask 50 questions or continue this free trip to the best Water Park?"

Everyone: "Water Park!!"

(Two Days After)
(In Florida)
     After 19 hours on a flight and some residuum, everyone is set up for some fun at the Water Park. Super Splash World is a vast Water Park with lots of rides and a huge pool enough to fit almost a hundred people. Everyone is having a blast, Shouta and Lucoa are on the Water Coaster, Kanna and Riko are on the Water Slides, and Kobayashi and Tohru are on the mat racing slides. While anybody is continuing to accept fun, (Y/N) is on the one ride he wants to practise, simply there is ane problem he is agape of highs, and that ride is the Speed Slide, a very tall one. (Y/North) wanted to ride one for a very long time just couldn't work up the courage (Y/N) is at the superlative waiting in line, working upward his courage until his nightmare shows up, Tohru.

    Seeing (Y/Northward) very nerves makes Tohru smiles, she starts teasing (Y/Northward), making him experience nervous and sick, but it wasn't enough to stop him; afterwards all, he did see a dragon in person and didn't run away scared. Tohru continues to tease (Y/North), trying to scare him while he waits in line until his plough is upwards, (Y/N) looks downward and run across how loftier he is, then suddenly he feels ill and frozen in fear. Tohru turns effectually and sees no one isn't looking, which makes her smirk, then she uses her tail to push (Y/N) down the slide, "D-DAM You DRAGON!!" (Y/N) shouts as he slides down the Speed Slide. (Y/North) came down the Speed Slice fast and at the end of the slide is a puddle where the riders fall in after the slide, but (Y/N) bellyflop in the pool, Tohru is at the top laughing until the water park employee who is watching the Speed Slide push Tohru down the slide and she screams at the cease of the slide. (Y/Due north) saw what happen to Tohru, so he laughs at her until Tohru starts splash fighting (Y/Due north), so they both begin to fight while everyone continues to accept fun for the rest of the solar day until it got late.

(The Next Solar day)    Everyone had fun at the Water Park, but the fun isn't over all the same because they are miles away from another park, which is Disney World. (Y/N) rents a car and drives anybody to Disney World. Every bit shortly everyone fabricated it to Disney Globe, Kanna, Riko, and Shouta's eyes are sparkling in exciting also the others likewise, right at the moment when (Y/North) stops the machine, everyone storms out the car leaving (Y/North) behind. Throughout the whole 24-hour interval, everyone had a blast, Kanna is wearing a MickyMouse lid and trying out the park sweets with Riko, Shouta is exploring the rides with Lucoa, and then are Kobayashi and Tohru. Noticing the Ferris wheel, Tohru wants to go on that ride with Kobayashi alone, but just when Kobayashi got in, (Y/North) came out of nowhere and pushed Tohru out of the way taking her identify. The ride begins and, Tohru is left behind and (Y/Due north) sticks out his tongue at Tohru, thus making her angry.

Kobayashi: "Hey. How long are you and Tohru going to keep fooling around like this?"

(Y/Due north): "I don't know. I like messing with her."

Kobayashi: "I know you like her. Even though she tried to impale you, but yous still like her."

(Y/Due north): "I don't know if she'll like me back. Everyone knows she's in love with you lot."

Kobayashi: "I do love her, but I want her to be happy."

(Y/N): (You sigh) "Your right, I'll tell her when nosotros get back domicile. For now, let u.s.a. enjoy this trip."

      While everyone is having fun at Disney World, outside the park are iii men who are bad news, they came to the park together casual looking for targets to kidnap until they found Kanna and Riko. The men managed to kidnapped Kanna, Riko, and Kobayashi past having a sharp object pointed at Kobayashi back; Kanna could stop them just doesn't desire to take chances hurting Riko and Kobayashi, so she came with them. It didn't accept long for Tohru to find something is wrong, using 1 of her magic perception blocking, Tohru searched all over the park by flying, and then she sees them beingness taken hostage past three men. Tohru is ready to blitz in to relieve them, but she doesn't want her friends to get injure, then chop-chop blitz back to (Y/N), Lucoa, and Shouta for their help.

(Y/North): "WHAT?! Taken?"

Tohru: "Yes! By 3 men."

Shouta: "What should we practice?!"

(Y/North): "I'll tell you what we're going to do! Nosotros are going afterwards them to save our friends! Tohru! (You lot grab Tohru attention) Practice yous call back what vehicle they are driving? (Tohru nodded) Alright, Tohru will lead the states at that place! Come up on, let'south get dorsum to the car."

     With Tohru Perception Blocking magic, it was piece of cake for her to follow the kidnappers without existence seen and Lucoa for guiding (Y/Northward) because she tin run into Tohru through her magic. The kidnappers stopped at an one-time abandon warehouse that is miles away from the park after they went inside the warehouse, Tohru comes dorsum to (Y/N), and the others to figure out how are they going to salve them, and then (Y/N) comes up with a plan in how to get everyone out safe. The kidnappers tied the girls up each to a chair and begin to talk over what'south their next step, and then suddenly they hear something loud within the warehouse, which alerts them. Ane of the men has a gun, and the others have an icepick, they spilled upward to search the warehouse leaving the girls alone, Tohru and Lucoa sneak within to free the girls, then suddenly one of the men comes back to bank check on the girls and sees Tohru and Lucoa releasing the girls, in anger, Riko rushes up to the human being and kicks him in the balls causing him to scream. Hearing the scream alerted the two remaining kidnapper'southward, (Y/North) all of a sudden attacks the human with the gun with a rusty pipe causing him to drib his weapon, and then the two fights for the gun until a few shots were fired, the concluding kidnapper came to check on the girls simply to see them release, Tohru quickly knocks the human unconscious with a unmarried punch.

     With the sound of sirens coming, Tohru guides everyone out of the warehouse, and just when Kobayashi and Tohru were final, a shot was fired, almost hitting Kobayashi, and the last remaining kidnapper shows upward property a gun and pointing at the girls. The man is beaten upwardly badly, but tin can still stand he commands the girls to come up with him, or he'll shot them, Tohru stares at the homo with an angry look in her optics which cause the man to signal at her. "I'll shot you offset!" the man said, then fires at Tohru, suddenly (Y/N) jumps in front of Tohru taking the bullet, Kobayashi and Tohru, both gasp after (Y/N), takes the shot saving Tohru. Kobayashi rushes to check on (Y/North), and the man points at Kobayashi to burn once again simply hears a click, in anger Tohru shows her dragon form to scare the homo unconscious, then everything becomes silent hearing nothing, simply the sirens.

(A Few Hours Later)    Slowly waking upwards (Y/N) finds himself lying on a infirmary bed, he gets up to see he's patched up. (Y/Due north) turns his head to see someone that he never expects to run into waiting for him, Tohru. Tohru explained when the law arrived (Y/Northward) was rushed to the hospital to remove the two bullets from his torso and patched him upwards.

(Y/N): "Where's anybody? Are they safe?"

Tohru: "Yes. Anybody is okay, thanks to you."

(Y/N): "Oh, no! Are you here to finish the job?"

Tohru: "No. No. I wanted to thank you. (You are surprised to hear Tohru, thanking y'all) Because of you, everyone made it out safe and what you did back at the warehouse. (Tohru smiles) You saved me."

(Y/N): (You lot grinning) "Don't recall what I did back in that location ways I'chiliad going soft on you; dragon!"

    Not saying a word, Tohru surprised (Y/Northward) by kissing him on the cheek and leaves the room grin, (Y/Northward) face is silent and red, then he smiles.

(Narrator Point of View)
A lot has happened after that day, a few months have passed, and during those months, the human relationship between (Y/N) and Tohru continue to grow. At first, information technology started crude and non in a good start, but since that 24-hour interval when (Y/Northward) saved the others and Tohru life, Tohru started to similar (Y/N) knowing he would risk his life to protect his friends. Since and so, Tohru has been very kind to (Y/N), wanting to be friends with him and non effort to kill him even when he talks to Kobayashi. The relationship between a male human being and a female dragon isn't the just thing that has happened, during those months, (Y/Due north) and his friends spend a lot of time together, celebrated holidays, and going to places. During Christmas Eve, (Y/N) took his friends to a ski resort to gloat Christmas, and everyone had a great time, but something happened which took (Y/N) and Tohru human relationship to the side by side level.

(At the Tenjindaira Ski Resort)

       Everyone plow in early on because a blizzard storm is coming and it's going to be a rough ane. Everyone is inside the ski house relaxing all but Kanna considering she couldn't terminate Tohru from going outside late. The reason why Tohru went out tardily is that she lost something when playing in the snow, and she is determined to get it back, Tohru told Kanna she would not take long so Tohru use her powers to rush outside and that was 2 hours ago. (Y/Northward) and Kobayashi notices Kanna standing at the front of the door staring, they walk up to her and ask Kanna what's wrong.

      The blizzard storm has already started, and it's a nasty one, the combination of blowing heavy snow and wind causes very low visibilities, and Tohru is lost in the storm. Tohru searched everywhere for her lost particular, but no luck, and she can't find her style back. Tohru thinks nigh transforming into her dragon form to fly through the storm, only it wouldn't help due to the strong current of air and snowfall, and the temperature is decreasing, and it wouldn't assistance either if she flies. With no other option, Tohru's merely choice is to discover her way back, every bit the storm gets worst past a minute, Tohru tries to keep herself warm, past using her fire breath, simply information technology'southward not enough. Having no idea where's she's going, Tohru torso begins to slow down and couldn't feel her feet, so she collapsed in the snow she tries to fight herself to become up, but it's no good, soon Tohru slowly closes her eyes and apologizing to everyone.

       Soon Tohru feels motility, and so she slowly opening her eyes, and she sees someone is carrying her, the snow is still bravado then she doesn't know who information technology is, merely she believes it is Kobayashi. An 60 minutes later, Tohru and the person carrying her finally made information technology back to the ski firm, all of a sudden the person carrying Tohru collapsed as well, and so Kanna and the others speedily went exterior to bring both of them in and sit them next to the fire. Tohru'southward body slowly begins to get warm, so she slowly turns her head to see who carried her and what she saw surprised her because it was (Y/N) who brought her. Tohru notices she is wearing a heavy glaze over her jacket, which is (Y/N)'due south coat, (Y/N) gave Tohru his coat to keep her warm while he walked through the tempest with just a light jacket.

Tohru: (Tohru see you resting) "(Y/N)?"

Kobayashi: "He went looking for you lot. (Tohru turns her head to Kobayashi) Kanna told us you went out in the snow to get what you lost, but haven't made it back."

Tohru: "I-I'grand sorry. I thought I would exist dorsum in fourth dimension without anyone noticing. (Tohru starts to cry) Now, (Y/N) is hurt because of me."

Kobayashi: "He went subsequently you because he cares for y'all. (Tohru gasp) I wanted to get out with him to expect for yous too, merely he told me to stay because he doesn't want anyone else getting hurt."

Tohru: (Tohru turns her dorsum to yous, and yous haven't opened your optics yet) "You idiot. (Tohru notices you are holding something, then Tohru starts to cry again because you found what Tohru lost and it's a beautiful eye-shaped necklace with a film of you and her) (Y/Northward). Cheers."

(A Few Weeks Later on after the New year's day)
(Valentine's Day)
     Tohru is at home making something that she'south been working on for a very long fourth dimension, and that is Homemade Chocolate made in Center-Shaped, Tohru gets excited waiting for Kobayashi to come up home, and so she realizes she made extra for (Y/N) and hopes he will like information technology. Tohru wents downward to (Y/N) place and was about to knock, but the door opens, and Tohru sees (Y/N) is very sad. Tohru never saw (Y/N) look very sad before, she asks him if everything is alright, only doesn't answer merely walk past her like she wasn't there. Tohru watches (Y/N) walking away, not proverb a word, which upsets her because she started to similar him and hates to run into him so sad. Since Kobayashi won't exist home someday presently, Tohru decides to follow (Y/N) to see what is wrong. After hours following (Y/N), Tohru understands why (Y/Northward) is sad; information technology's because he is alone and doesn't have anyone to spend fourth dimension with on Valentine's Mean solar day. Seeing (Y/Due north) sad and lonely, Tohru felt sorry for him, then suddenly she got an thought.

    Waiting for (Y/N) to be solitary, Tohru quickly rushes at him to grab him and elevator him into the air, (Y/N) screams similar a daughter for a moment until he sees Tohru looking at him, "You didn't hear that." (Y/N) said, feeling embarrassed. (Y/N) asks Tohru where is she taking him and what is she doing, Tohru tells (Y/N) to hush and to relax. For the rest of the day, Tohru let (Y/N) ride on her dorsum while she's in her dragon form to testify him what's information technology like to fly around the urban center on a dragon, and information technology is incredible. Afterward flying effectually the metropolis, Tohru found a keen spot to stop where they can get a good view of the metropolis, when the sunday has set, (Y/N), and Tohru got a beautiful view of the urban center lights.

(Y/Northward): "Tohru? (Tohru turns her head to you) Thank you. That was very kind of you to exercise for me."

Tohru: (Tohru smiles) "No trouble! I saw you were sad, and I wanted to make y'all experience happy."

(Y/N): (You smiling) "Well, it worked. (You and Tohru both wait at the city lights) I'1000 happy yous guys showed upwards on that twenty-four hours."

Tohru: (Tohru chuckles) "I still remember it like information technology was yesterday."

(Y/N): "When growing up, I had no friends, and my parents were e'er working and couldn't spend time with me. I spend about of my life alone, wondering if I will encounter someone."

Tohru: (Tohru smiles) "Well, y'all don't have to worry no more because you now accept friends and me. We will never leave you backside."

(Y/N): (You gasp, and then you lot hide your tears) "Cheers!"

     For the residue of the night, (Y/North) and Tohru watched the city lights together and talked, presently they got caught in the moment where (Y/N) touches Tohru hand, and she looks at (Y/N) in the optics. (Y/N) and Tohru both are looking at each other in the optics, and both of their cheeks are ruby-red, knowing what they are thinking, but Tohru wonders if it's a good idea. They bring their heads to shut, only Tohru apace turns her caput abroad because she loves Kobayashi (Y/Northward) repent and tells Tohru he is ready to go abode, so they end the night short.

(Narrator Point of View)

       Since then, things between (Y/North) and Tohru became complicated. Tohru doesn't talk or run across (Y/N) anymore, (Y/N) shuts himself in his place and doesn't leave, not even to see the others, (Y/N) is heartbroken. A few weeks take passed later Valentine's Day, and soon everyone establish out (Y/Due north)'s cloak-and-dagger his family is wealthy, and so is (Y/N), but at that place is more. (Y/Due north) is getting married to a spoiled adult female, (Y/North) father arranged the marriage to help the busy grow past marrying the girl of some other wealthy family. (Y/Due north) has never stood upwardly to his male parent, so he agrees to marry the daughter.

(A Week Afterwards)

       Tohru is continuing in front of (Y/N)'s front door of his former place when everyone plant out (Y/N) is getting married, he moved out of his habitation because subsequently the wedlock, (Y/N) volition be moving to America with his wife. All Tohru has left to remember (Y/North) is a gift that he gave her when he was moving out, it is wrapped up and hasn't been open nevertheless. Tohru has been fighting her thoughts ever since Valentine's Day, she does care and accept feelings for (Y/N), simply she loves Kobayashi and doesn't want to leave her or hurt her, and having two feelings for two different people is driving Tohru mad. Kobayashi comes outside to run into Tohru standing in front of (Y/Northward) old place sad and confuse.

Kobayashi: "Tohru?"

Tohru: (Tohru turns her head to Kobayashi) "K-Kobayashi?"

Kobayashi: "Are y'all okay?"

Tohru: "When we first met (Y/Due north), I've tried everything to go rid of him or have him motility out, now he'south gone. I-I-I.."

Kobayashi: "You miss him. (Tohru looks downwards) Tohru mind to me; I love you, and I want you to be happy. There is something you can do to bring (Y/N) dorsum! (Tohru enquire how) Today is the nuptials, and I want you to go and tell him how you feel! (Tohru gasp and Kobayashi gives Tohru, (Y/Due north)'southward gift) You should see what it is. I already know what it is."

    Tohru unwrapped the souvenir and is shocked to run across it's a small manga book with her and everyone on the front cover. Tohru reads the manga and slowly cry because (Y/N) describe everything virtually Tohru how she's an incredible dragon and how she is loved by the people effectually her. Tohru continues reading until the last chapter, which is bare, "W-Westward-What take I washed!! I need that idiot back!" Tohru said while she is crying, and then she rushes to tell Kobayashi, she is going to get (Y/N) back and lucky for her, Kobayashi knows where the wedding ceremony is taking place. Using her powers, Tohru quickly rushed to the church, which is on the other side of the city; she fabricated it merely in time right when (Y/Northward) was most to kiss the bride.

    Tohru surprised everyone within the church and also (Y/N), Tohru explodes into tears as she shouts out her feeling for (Y/N) and how she is lamentable for pushing him away. Tohru continues pouring out her soul for (Y/N) which cause him to weep and run to her, (Y/North) and Tohru both came to hug each other tightly and kiss, so Kobayashi and the residual of the friends shows up to see (Y/N) and Tohru, everyone within in the church building are happy to see something cute until (Y/N) father stands upwards.

(Y/Due north) Male parent: "(Y/N)! Whoever they are, tell them to go out now!"

(Y/N): (Y'all look at Tohru, so turn your caput at your father) "No! (Your father gasp) No, I will non tell them to leave male parent! They are my friends, and this woman here is Tohru, and I love her! I practise not want to move to America; I desire to stay here with Tohru and my friends. Money isn't always everything father; it doesn't bring happiness! I don't need coin to be happy because (You turn your head to your friends) I have them."

   (Y/N) father remains silent for a infinitesimal until he smiles, which shocked (Y/N) and anybody considering, for the first time, (Y/N) finally stood upwardly to him, and he is proud of him. (Y/Northward) father calls off the wedding and leaves (Y/N) to do what he wants, and that is to stay with Tohru and his friends.

(Narrator Indicate of View)

     Since and so, (Y/North) moved back to his old place with Tohru and his friends to live a happy life with the people he cares. After a few years, (Y/N) is in his function finishing his concluding chapter on his popular manga which is near him, Tohru, and his friends, soon he hears kids calling for him, so he puts down his pen and leaves his office. The concluding chapter is (Y/N), and Tohru holding four babies.

                                                                                                      THE END


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