Text messages are the new e-mail. And just like e-mail, they can be pretty nerve-wracking because once you send it out, it's out there forever. You can't go back and delete or edit your message, no matter how much you regret pressing the "send" button.

That's why drunk dialing and texting your ex, or in this case, your teacher, is so ill-advised: you can't take it back, and you'll probably end up regretting it! These text messages between teachers and students are so cringe-worthy that they're borderline unbelievable.

Sometimes they're funny because of the stories themselves, but more often than not, the dreaded autocorrect has something to do with the misplaced, unfortunate end results of these messages. And because there's no delete button on text messages that have been sent, these students and teachers have to live with their shame for the rest of their days.

Here are 20 of the cringiest teacher-student text messages you'll ever see.

19 Some People Shouldn't Have Phones

via Grok Solutions

Not only should kids not be using their phones in class, but some people just shouldn't have phones at all. How dim do you have to be to text the person whose phone has BEEN taken? The teacher is wondering the same thing. Obviously Hannah didn't think this one through, or it could be fake, but we have a feeling this has happened in real life before.

18 Low Hanging Fruit

via Pinterest

This one is pretty alarming, because it seems like a student is trying to seduce a professor by offering some, ahem, explicit favors that could get everyone in a whole lot of trouble. Luckily, Mr. Hariss isn't about to fall for this classic blunder, and he's even got a quick quip to throw the whole thing for a loop. Enything, indeed.

17 It's A Cruel World We Live In

via Typical Student

Poor Mrs. Morgan, she can't even get any sleep before school the next day. This student is either trying to a) be coy and ask for sexual favors at the same time, or b) anger the math teacher. He or she does this by trying to play it cool after texting teach at 2 a.m., and then backtracking to complain about how much homework he or she has.

16 Proud Papa

via High Rated

Most dads want their children to be worldly and, hopefully, sarcastic like they are. You can get away with a lot if you just throw in a little sarcasm, as long as it's not too morose and it gets a snicker out of dad. This father seems especially proud of his child for throwing a quip at the principle that's pretty funny. It truly is a simple question and a logical answer, though clearly not the answer the teacher was looking for. (Though this doesn't seem suspension worthy.)

15 A Little Mangled Wordplay

via High Rated

Teachers can often say the funniest and most unintended things out of anger or frustration. It's usually something they immediately regret, and in the case of this teacher, they were probably either warned or fired shortly after this. This is definitely one of those hand-to-mouth moments after the words left the teacher's mouth, with him thinking, "Did I really just say that out loud?"

14 You Can't Escape The Literalism

via High Rated

This is another classic exchange between two friends, with one explaining how their teacher bamboozled them. The teacher promised not to ever "give us a test when he walks through the door," and all the students sighed a unified breath of relief. But then the teacher came through the window (test in hand), just to show how punny he/she is. This is like a dad joke gone horribly wrong.

13 Well Said

via High Rated

There's a running joke online that basically anything is a better love story than Twilight. A video of two birds fighting in midair, snapping at each other? Still a better love story than Twilight. A turtle falling on its back only to get rescued and turned over by a dog? Still a better love story than Twilight. This teacher takes that joke to the next level, saying that the book isn't even worth reading once, and therefore it doesn't compare to Huckleberry Finn.

12 Naughty Zeke

via High Rated

This is definitely one of those moments that could go either way: Does the teacher reward Zeke for a quick comeback, or does the teacher suspend Zeke for texting inappropriate things? This is a simple back and forth that really highlights the way students think, especially in high school, so we like to think that this potentially naughty text only gave Zeke brownie points with his teacher.

11 Favorite Student Ever

via High Rated

One of the best things that can ever happen to a teacher is for a student to come up to them and thank them, years later. The second best thing is for a student to show that they actually learned something—and appreciate language—like this student here. Poor Caroline texted an inappropriate, embarrassing thing to Mr. Fresco (undoubtedly an English teacher), but he was too proud to be angry—proud because she cares about grammar and spelling.

10 Probably Fake, Too Funny

via High Rated

This one is too perfectly set up to seem real, but the message is still funny. Student wants to retake a test, then immediately gets called one of the worst, most offensive words in the book. The wily student uses that to their advantage, and is then granted their test retake, because the power has shifted and they know they can get the teacher in a lot of trouble with this newfound knowledge!

9 It's So Hard Meeting New People

via High Rated

Poor Mrs. Wells—she just wants to meet a nice guy. And she thinks she's found one in the father of one of her students, Hanna. Little does she know, she's texting Hanna her inappropriate request. There's a clear conflict of interest here, and an embarrassing outcome, but the biggest conflict of interest we see is that Well has a "Mrs." in front of her name, which denotes marriage…

8 Thrifty Teacher

via High Rated

This is another one that looks fake, because no self-respecting teacher would crumble like this and give their student an answer on the test for a measly ten bucks. But what's an even bigger giveaway, is that Ms. Ussher has also misspelled "your," which is verboten among teachers. Then again, Ms. Ussher is a biology teacher, not an English teacher, so maybe she never did well in those classes.

7 Autocorrect Strikes Again

via High Rated

It seems like autocorrect usually strikes at the worst times, like when you're texting your grandmother or, in this case, your student. This cringe-inducing text shows that Miss Salerno has a particular problem typing out "permission slip," and blames it on autocorrect. But then again, as one student on another text pointed out earlier, autocorrect changes to your most frequently used word, so… what have you been getting into, Miss Salerno?

6 Walked Right Into That One

via High Rated

This was probably a conversation that happened between fifth graders in elementary school, because it doesn't have the flow of an actual text. But it's still kind of funny, and the teacher really walks right into this one. Kids can be vicious, after all, so teachers should never let their guards down! Or else they'll be likened to a fat cow.

5 We'd Read That Essay

via High Rated

Honestly, both of this student's essay topics sound like winners. Yes, ninjas probably need help, like drug addicts, in order to get better. They'd probably like the other thing even more. This seems like a teacher and a significant other having an innocent conversation, but it takes a quick turn. We agree with the significant other, though. Give that student an A+.

4 Get Your Mind Out Of The Gutter

via High Rated

Autocorrect strikes again, in a most inappropriate fashion! There's a meme going around that says, "Autocorrect has yet to figure out how often I swear and how rarely I talk about ducks," and that describes this text dialogue pretty perfectly. Clearly it was an innocent mistake on the teacher's part, but the unintended outcome ended up being hilarious.

3 Cute Mom

via Just Something

It's always cute when you see a mom, especially one who isn't that savvy with technology, trying to learn the hip lingo of the youngins. This mom clearly has no idea what WTF stands for, but what she thinks it stands for is so wholesome and cute that it makes for a fantastic back and forth with her son or daughter.

2 Not Even Surprised

via Gadget Review

The most surprising thing about this alarming text message is how un-surprised the friend seems when he/she learns that Molly is "nailing" the biology teacher. Clearly, Molly meant "emailing," but her friend didn't even bat an eyelash at the possibility of the other one. That doesn't say a lot for our culture or this generation, but there it is.

1 Same Story, Different Yoga Pants

via YouTube/AzzyLand

This student is clearly trying to seduce her math teacher because of her failing grade, and she does it by sending a selfie of her voluptuous, yoga-pants-clad bottom. When she learns that she's texted her history teacher the picture, she realizes that her history grade isn't doing so well either, so the offer still stands. We have a feeling this student isn't very dedicated or focused in school, and thinks education is for the birds.