what to buy for my 11 year old son

A son who wanted to thank his mom for caring for his dad for xx years is taking her on a whirlwind trip to xx European destinations and they're sharing their adventures on their web log, The Little Daughter from Kamas. Only the vacation is giving them both much more that beautiful photos and videos.

"I get to hug my mom every night, prove her things she's always wanted to meet, and have her hang on my arm as we walk around each city," Barton Brooks, 45, told TODAY via electronic mail. Information technology "has just been perfect."

After 20 years of caring for her husband after a disabling stroke, Carla Brooks wondered what to do next with her life. Son, Barton, decided to inspire her with a European adventure.
After 20 years of caring for her husband after a disabling stroke, Carla Brooks wondered what to do adjacent with her life. Son, Barton, decided to inspire her with a European gamble. Courtesy of Barton Brooks

For xx years, Brooks' female parent, Carla, cared for his father, Karl, afterward he suffered a debilitating stroke. Post-obit Karl's death, a year ago, Brooks worried virtually Carla, 77.

"It wasn't a huge shock when he passed away, but later caring for him 24/7 for nearly xx years — she was merely lost," Brooks said. "She was sad and alone (plain), simply there was more than of a melancholy nigh what she was supposed to do adjacent."

An idea struck Brooks equally he was looking through slides from Carla's infamous trip to Europe in 1962, which she took afterwards learning her and then-fiancé was two-timing her. She grabbed the wedding money and headed off for international travel. Brooks wondered if he could coax that strong-willed adventurous spirit from his mom past recreating that vacation.

Gregg Goodbrod and his soon-to-be mother-in-law, Carla Brooks practice their can can outside the Moulin Rogue. Goodbrod enjoys having an adventure with his fiance and mother-in-law.
Gregg Goodbrod and his soon-to-be mother-in-law, Carla Brooks practice their can can exterior the Moulin Rogue. Goodbrod enjoys having an adventure with his fiance and mother in law. Courtesy of Barton Brooks

"I decided to apply those pictures as a guide and accept her to some of those locations — try to re-notice that young adult female," he said.

He and his fiancé, Gregg Goodbrod, 43, put their lives in Woodstock, NY, on hold, secured their finances, and started planning. But, when Brooks and Goodbrod offset proposed the trip to Carla, she hesitated.

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"I was surprised and overwhelmed, and was actually excited, but just didn't think I could practise it," she said via electronic mail. "But I decided I wanted to effort!"

On September 29, the trio landed in Paris and have since visited, Disneyland in Paris, Switzerland, London, Talacre in Wales, Budapest, Prague, and Munich. The trip represents more than simply helping her discover her lost spirit. It's also a fashion to prove gratitude.

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"We're giving her twenty adventures for the 20 years she gave Dad," Brooks said.

Well-nigh one-half way through their travels, Brooks has noticed a transformation in Carla.

"She's more aggressive (in our plans) in a good mode. More of a 'let's practise this,'" he said.

Barton Brooks and partner Gregg Goodbrod put their lives on hold to travel with Brooks' mother and help her recapture her adventurous spirit. Brooks said "It was the best decision I've made."
Barton Brooks and partner Gregg Goodbrod put their lives on concur to travel with Brooks' mother and help her recapture her adventurous spirit. Brooks said "It was the best decision I've fabricated." Courtesy of Barton Brooks

While Brooks hoped the trip would help Carla, the iii often remember Karl. On Nov 7, Karl'due south birthday and the year anniversary of his burial, they visited Talacre in Wales, where Karl's ancestors lived.

"The most meaningful day was in Wales when we had the memory day for Karl," said Carla. "We spent that day at the lighthouse where his great grandfather was the lighthouse keeper 150 years ago, and nosotros'd been in that location together before — he loved it there."

After dedicating her life to caring for her husband, Karl, after a stroke, Carla Brooks felt lost after his death last year. Son, Barton Brooks, hoped to inspire his mother again with a trip to Europe. But they still took time to remember Karl, like when
Later dedicating her life to caring for her husband, Karl, subsequently a stroke, Carla Brooks felt lost after his decease last year. Son, Barton Brooks, hoped to inspire his mother again with a trip to Europe. But they still took time to remember Karl, like when they visited Talacre, Wales, where Karl's family came from. Courtesy of Barton Brooks

Goodbrod, who lost his mother twenty years ago, enjoys the trip because it is giving him time to reflect on his ain mother as well every bit bail more with his futurity mother-in-law.

"Sometimes things get a flake tender for me every bit I call up of my own mother, but to have this adventure with my fiancé and his female parent, well, information technology's just been an incredible feel," he said.

The trio as well makes fourth dimension for fun. So far one of Carla's favorite experiences was the baths in Budapest. While she felt unsure at first, every bit shortly as she eased into the warm mineral water, she relaxed.

"Seeing her swim around in Budapest like Ester Williams — I just loved it," Brooks said.

The travelers take many adventures ahead of them, including Alsace in France, Strasburg in Germany, Vienna and Salzburg in Republic of austria, Rome, Florence, and Venice in Italia, and Paris, among others.

"I've already gotten more I could have ever dreamed," he said. "It was the best decision I've made."


Source: https://www.today.com/kindness/son-gives-mom-20-adventures-20-years-t106065

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