meaning of im rubber your glue what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you


Think Happy.  ~J  Z/ Happy.

Words are tremendously powerfu50, simply it is our option to give words there power or not. When someone give us a command, we tin can choose to obey, or disobey. Nosotros take been fabricated to experience fearfulness by others threats, shame past remarks nearly our worthiness and attractiveness, shunned by gossip and rumors. Words are hurtful and have the ability to starting time wars.

The "North" Word is possibly the near controversial and explosive give-and-take in history. We are request for a riot if we apply this in a group of African Americans. On the same annotation calling a woman a "bitch" or a "cunt" is practically begging to become smacked in the face. Ever since we were kids nosotros knew the power of words and how they could beat us. We fifty-fifty came up with songs to protect us from their damage like, "Sticks and stones volition break my bones but words volition never damage me" and " I'm rubber you're glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you lot.

When we are adults how come it seems we lose the wisdom we had as children on how to handle negativity? Let'due south examine the wisdom behind "I'k rubber, you're mucilage." This riposte used when someone calls you a name, indicates that whatever names or words someone uses in an endeavour to offend or insult you, those words will bounce off you, and stick to the name-caller, indicating that he or she is actually indicative of the connotation he or she originally wanted to impart upon yous. There is so much wisdom in this riposte that information technology's genius.

CENA Your mind  LAER: 1 1S a garden.  Ni arb (BP    EE ren Yesrrr Bf hts  pbs 2 Your thoughts    Ee IN EHS ATE >  aA ro 5 are t C. N  TN v oi seeds.         Eg | Wh eis  oh Ng ie

Psychologically speaking, usually when someone is insulting us- it stems from a identify of insecurity. We tin accept comfort in knowing when someone is calling united states of america a name, it'due south considering something is wrong with the individual not usa. If someone is calling yous arrogant or egocentric, good. If you read between the lines of their own insecurity, what they mean to say is yous seem to accept purpose and confidence and I wish I had that. Hatters will hate and they will hate on u.s.a..

Words are merely a seed and our minds are the grounds for them to take root. We have to safe guard our minds and hearts and not let words of destruction bear fruit. In our realities, we have to exit information technology barren and only allow words of encouragement and strength to take root in our minds and realities. Every single person is going to face a naysayer who wants them to play it pocket-size and be a lesser version of themselves, but a naysayer is a minuscule and external factor we should never give our power to. Unfortunately, the bulk of people give a naysayer ultimate power over the upshot of their life. It is so irrational to believe in doubt, that it is mind boggling the bulk of the states live our life this way and pick an existence based on the merits of disbelief in our own capabilities.

In that location is a reason our friends or relatives have murmured to united states of america, "We are our ain worst enemies," considering it's true. No matter what negative experiences we accept had, which have tainted our perceptions with unpleasantness, we have to acknowledge to ourselves, nobody is trying to stop us from getting what we desire out of life. Nobody is standing in our way. The but one stopping us from achieving our personal goals and ambitions is us. We stand in our ain mode. Life is indifferent towards united states of america. It doesn't have any personal stake in whether we fail or succeeded. Even when it seems like people are out to go united states, rest bodacious they tin can't cease united states even if they try. They can possibly set the states back, throw us off our game, try to persuade us to doubt ourselves, merely we can get back on rail only past disentangle our lives from these people. We don't take to exist around people who plant the seed of doubt deep in our subconscious minds.

The all-time advice I can give you lot is from Abraham Hicks. She says, the best way to stop doubt is before it happens. This means afterwards a job interview don't sit in that location and worry you won't get a call back. Instead try to visualize yourself happy in your new office position, or don't recollect about work at all, think about something that makes you happy like the idea of true honey. Instead of thinking the world is a fell identify full of problems, try meet it as a place of beauty with a few kinks to piece of work out. Our thoughts create our realities, if we think negatively about a state of affairs we are going to create a negative out-come.

If nosotros think we don't have the power to get what nosotros want out of life, why would we even attempt and this is a thought of limitation, which is a thought of dubiousness. If a negative thought enters our minds, we demand to push out the thought as fast equally possible and try to focus on something positive. This is called mindful thinking, or witting thinking. The more nosotros can command our thoughts, which is where the existent battle ground of life takes place considering it dictates how we think and feel well-nigh ourselves and the world at big. If nosotros think positive, nosotros are more likely to attract positive experiences into our lives. They say bad things come in three, and they usually do because that is our expectation. If we decided to expect good to happen, adept will happen. Life is what we brand of it, null more, and naught less.


Excerpt from Self-Assist book Transforming the Victim by Lyon Brave

Think Happy.  ~J  Z/ Happy.



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