How to Search Law Review Articles on Lexis

Nexis Uni is one of the sources of full-text law periodical articles that is attainable to all USC library users through the USC Libraries Databases web page (    From the main LexisNexis Academic search page, click on "Search by Subject or Topic" and and so cull "Constabulary Reviews".  The Law Reviews Search folio allows you to combine your search terms in diverse ways.  You can enter either a Natural Language search or a Boolean search in the main search box.

Natural language

Natural language is the more basic search in which you enter your search terms using plain English (without connectors or special symbols).  Information technology is recommended that y'all identify quotation marks around exact phrases when doing a Tongue search.  You can also truncate terms with an exclamation signal (!) to pull up unlike versions of a particular give-and-take.  For example, if you were researching the issue of what "reasonable accommodation" must be made by universities for students with hearing disabilities, you might run the following search:

 "reasonable adaptation" student academy college hearing disab!

Boolean Search

A Boolean search allows you to connect terms and phrases in guild to specify the desired relationships betwixt them in the documents retrieved. Boolean searching offers you greater precision in your search results considering you set the search parameters rather than relying on the system to do so.

      The AND connector between search terms requires that both be in each retrieved document, while the OR connector requires that at least ane of them appears in each certificate.   Use the OR connector to link synonyms.  In that location are also proximity connectors that can exist used to specify that your terms or phrases must appear in a specified proximity to each other:

      - w/s (within the aforementioned sentence)

      -westward/p (within the same paragraph)

      - westward/northward (inside n words of, due east.g.,  w/10, w/25, westward/100, up to w/255)

      - "  " (an verbal phrase)

A search containing any i of the connectors mentioned above (except the quotation marks) will exist run as a Boolean search.  If you place in your Boolean search two words together without a connector (e.g., classroom accommodation), LexisNexis will automatically assume quotation marks around the ii terms (i.e., "classroom accommodation") and will just call up documents in which those terms appear side by side to each other in the document.

Advanced Options

On the Law Reviews Search page, you lot can select "Advanced Options."  Doing this allows you to limit your search by date or subject coverage of journals searched.  You tin likewise limit your search or components of your search to particular segments of the articles (e.g., writer, title, and/or commendation segments).  Inside a search box, you can connect your terms with "AND" or "OR" to specify either that both terms must announced in the document or that at least i of the terms must appear in the document.  If you type in ii or more words without a connector (east.g., classroom accommodation), LexisNexis Academic will retrieve only manufactures containing that exact phrase.  You tin can also truncate terms with an assertion indicate (!) to pull up different versions of a particular give-and-take.

The following is a LexisNexis Academic screen shot that shows how you might enter your search terms if you were looking for articles that discuss classroom accommodations and other issues related to the rights of disabled individuals in schools.  This search will call up manufactures that see both of the following criteria:

  • the terms "disabilities" and "school" both appear in the article title
  • a class of the word accommodation (accommodate, accommodating, accommodation, etc.) appears within five words of the term classroom

Afterward you run your search, you have the option of sorting your results by engagement, relevance, or journal title.  At that place are also various ways to view your results (list of citations, KWIC manner (which just shows your "key words in context"), total text of the documents, etc.).  From your commendation list, you can retrieve any of the articles past clicking on the link at the beginning of the article citation.  When you have the full text of the article on the screen, you lot can click on the "Hits' arrows on the bottom of the screen to jump forwards and backward to each occurrence of your search terms.  At the upper right corner of all the dissimilar results display screens at that place is a "Search inside results" box that allows you to add terms to narrow your results.  Additionally, there are a series of icons that allow you to print, e-mail, or download your results or transport them to RefWorks or to the Lexis Nexis "Deject".  Subsequently you cull ane of these icons, you can select which documents, which certificate view (citation list, KWIC, or full-text), and which format (Give-and-take, PDF) you wish to send.


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